Carbon dioxide concentration are leading the greenhouse effect

Radiation absorption and re-emitting in infrared band by carbon dioxide

Dr. Keresztesi Miklós, Hungary

Radiation absorption and re-emitting

in infrared band by carbon dioxide

The greenhouse effect intensifies in our planet's atmosphere. The global warming is increases.  The Earth's climate has extremist parameters. The carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.

 The concentration of carbon dioxide between 1000 and 1769 hardly changed. It was circa 280 ppm (figure 1).


Figure 1

The carbon dioxide concentration significantly increased since 1769. It was 360 ppm in 2000. The average temperature of Earth circa was 15 oC between 1000 and 1900.  The Earth's average temperature significantly increased since 1900. It was circa 15.3 oC in 2000. We can see the state of atmosphere before industrial revolution:

If carbon dioxide concentration is nearly constant, then Earth's average temperature is nearly constant.

After industrial revolution:

If carbon dioxide concentration is increasing, then Earth's average temperature is increasing too.

We can have a theory:

There is causation connection between the carbon dioxide concentration change and Earth's average temperature change. Is it true or is it false?[i]

Charles Keeling, american scientist measured the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration at Mauna Loa Observatory. He noticed an annual cycle. The carbon dioxide concentration is decreasing every spring, and it is increasing autum (North hemisphere). The variation is 6 ppm. The cause of variation is the photosynthetic process in the forests. There are forests more in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern Hemisphere. The northern hemisphere plays a dominant role in this global phenomenon.The decreasing of carbon dioxide concentration is observed on spring of Northern Hemisphere in the atmosphere. The forests pumping carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere every autumn. The forests are absorbing carbon dioxide in every spring, its concentration is decreasing. The forest is a gigantic pump in the atmosphere.

The Earth's infrared radiation passes energy for carbon dioxide molekule in the atmosphere. That re-emits infrared radiation. One part goes into back to Earth, and other part goes into space. Dan Feldman, american scientic measured the re-emitted radiation of carbon dioxide. This radiation causes global warming on Earth's surface. Results of Feldman confirm what scientist already proved through models and some laboratory experiments:

The rising carbon dioxide concentrations are leading the greenhouse effect.

This study would like to show the notions and processes of greenhouse effect.

  1. 1.    What is mean the Earth's average temperature?

Let us measure the temperature in two meters above the Earth’s surface. Figure 2 shows the results (left side in the figure).


Figure 2

In the picture, we can see a typical color range, where red is the hottest and blue is the coldest. For example the blue, equal minus 20 degree Celsius, or the red equal plus 20 degree Celsius.  The temperature is -50 centigrade in the South Pole, but it is +30 centigrade on Equator. If we go from Equator to poles then the temperature is decreasing. In winter is cold - in summer is hot. The temperature vary by seasons too. What is mean the average temperature of our planet?

Before industrial revolution the carbon dioxide concentration was 280 ppm; the Earth’s average temperature was 15 degree Celsius. On the color scale the orange equals plus 15 degree Celsius. On the figure 2, we can see our planet in monochrome orange color. The figure 3 shows the measurement and the calculation way of average temperature[i].


Figure 3

For example the measured temperatures on t11: -16 oC, 20 oC, 35 oC, 47 oC, 29 oC, 17 oC, -24 oC.

In this, case the mean temperature:

t11 mean temperature along longitude 150 degree  = 15.43 oC

Similarly must be measured and calculated the t5 and other semicircles medium temperature as well.

If carbon dioxide concentration is 400 ppm (2015 years) then the Earth’s globe average temperature:

t average =  15.6 [oC]

Today the average temperature is 15.6 oC.

On right side of the figure 3 is a fine grid on Earth globe. The number of cells are 2592. In every cells are measurement sites.

Before the industrial revolution, the carbon dioxide concentration was 280 ppm, in this time the average temperature was 15 centigrade. Earth is the only planet in our Solar System where life exists. The Earth's average temperature is, it is not very cold, and it is not very hot. The measurement results show that the Earth's average temperature slowly increases. It is global warming. What is this caused by this empirical fact?  Let us examine the emission and absorption processes of radiations in the system of Sun - Earth - atmosphere. We create models and look for characteristic parameters of the temperature change.

Model 1: The average temperature of Earth, without atmosphere[i]

The Earth gets energy from Sun. The average solar radiation is S0 = 1370 W/m2. It is the solar constant. A part of sun radiation is reflected by planet. It is Earth’s albedo (α). Snow has a high albedo. The seawater has a low, because the absorption is bigger than reflection. The average albedo of Earth, α = 0.3. Some solar radiation reflect by Earth's surface and go to space (αS0 ), other parts is absorbed on Earth’s surface [S0 (1 - α)]. The net incoming solar radiation is on Earth: S0 (1 - α) π R2 [W], where R is the radius of the Earth, π=3.14159 (figure 4).


Figure 4

Long-wave (infrared) radiation starts from Earth's surface. The outgoing infrared radiation:    it is 4 π R2

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